
Wooo! Website exists, very exciting. This site is built on Jekyll and is hosted on GitHub Pages. For the sake of posterity some advice on setting up a jekyll site (talking to you future me who has forgotten things work!). Once you get it installed on your OS and have your GitHub Pages repo setup, then you probably want to pick a theme. If you go to your settings for the pages repo you will find a nifty option for themes, that include previews. If you want to change the theme and see it locally then change the theme section in your _config.yaml file to the theme name your using. Then if you look in your Gemfile you will find helpful comments that explain you uncomment the gem “github-pages” line and comment out the jekyll gem. If you don’t comment out the jekyll gem it will yell at you, as I found out the hard way by not reading fully.

If you want to use an usppported theme or get screwed up by GitHub’s way of doing themes (which happened to me) you can just remove the _sites directory from your .gitignore file and then add than to the repo. GitHub Pages will pull from the generated _sites folder.


As for the other things in the Firstflight assignment; I use Matrix now to connect to the IRC channels I’m in including #rit, #rit-foss, and #ritlug. If you too want to get setup with Matrix I suggest using Justin Flory’s tutorial as that’s how I got setup. My username there is gen1e. I’m already on the HFOSS mailing list and I have a GitHub account. I’ve also just forked the HFOSS repo.